The Winter Discovery Program is an official SnowSchool site at the Tahoe Cross Country Center that works with local schools to provide winter ecology field trips that combine science explorations with cross country skiing.
Winter Trek is an extension of the Sagehen Outdoor Education Program, building on the existing program by providing a hands-on outdoor education experience on snowshoes that compliments the fall and spring program.
Sevison Winter Science, Safety and Stewardship (SWSSS) was piloted in 2022/23 at North Tahoe School (NTS) in memory of Lance Sevison, a former NTS student who died in a snow storm related accident as a 6th grader on March 2, 1976.
NASA Snowex is a citizen science program that gives students an opportunity to help NASA scientists measure and monitor the snowpack. SWEP incorporates Snowex into our SnowSchool winter programming.