Jenna GrangerJun 16, 2022A Day of Native Trout EducationSWEP's Fisheries Field Day 2022 offered 3rd grade students an opportunity to be outside, learning about Lahontan cutthroat trout.
Jenna GrangerMay 25, 2022Zero Waste Solutions to Climate ChangeSWEP's Sustainability Clubs worked hard to divert waste from the landfill in the 2021-22 school year.
Jenna GrangerApr 27, 2022Students Beating Climate Change - Science Festival Adaptation 2022SWEP taught over 1,000 elementary students about climate change and food waste reduction.
Jenna GrangerApr 26, 2022Celebrating Earth Day Together Once Again2022 Earth Day Trashion Shows inspired students and adults at Truckee Elementary and Palisades Tahoe to take daily actions for our planet.
Jenna GrangerMar 10, 2022Sagehen Winter Trek 2022: Snowshoeing & ScienceDespite even more obstacles offered by Covid, SWEP took 200 fifth graders snowshoeing in the Tahoe Truckee area to learn about snow science.
nick19030Jan 11, 2022FOREST⇌FIRE: Re-evaluating our relationship with fire in our forestsSWEP worked to reeducate local 3rd grade students about fire and forest management.