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Apr 2, 2020
Build Your Own Boat
Time to put your engineering hat on to practice building your own boat! How many pennies can you ship across the bathtub?

Jenna Granger
Mar 31, 2020
Snow Castles
Experiment with melting rates of snow and ice by building snow castles! Get outside in the snow with this at-home science activity.

Jenna Granger
Mar 30, 2020
Upcycled T-Shirt Bags
Not sure what to do with your old t-shirts? Save the planet and your t-shirts by making a reusable grocery bag!

Jenna Granger
Mar 27, 2020
Earth Hour
What can you do for energy conservation while stuck at home? Join the global Earth Hour campaign!

Jenna Granger
Mar 26, 2020
Soap & Pepper
How does soap interact with water and pepper? Explore surface tension with this at-home experiment.

Jenna Granger
Mar 25, 2020
Toilet Science
Can flushable wipes really be flushed down the toilet? How do we keep our pipes clear? Here is an experiment to find out!
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